Afurada Living Lab promotes training action on energy issues with the local community
The Afurada Living Lab (ALL) promoted, yesterday, at the Centro Interpretativo do Património da Afurada (CIPA), the initiative “Solar Workshop”.
The formative action took place in the scope of the “Sustainable Energy Week” and was dynamized by the municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia and by GAIURB, in close articulation with the technological partners Innovation Point and DST SOLAR. The training action consisted of a workshop on the theme of energy for the younger local community and allowed to demonstrate, in a practical context, the various impacts that ALL’s pilot project – installation of a photovoltaic power plant in three strategic locations of the intervention area (School, Market and CIPA), may have, namely in terms of reducing CO₂ emissions, promoting energy based on renewable sources, reducing the electricity bill, fighting energy poverty and decentralizing energy production.
This is the first of a diverse range of actions with the community, which highlight ALL’s commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Organization, namely in terms of “SDG 7: Renewable and Accessible Energy” and SDG 11 “Sustainable Cities and Communities”.
The training session was hosted by Carla Pires, head of the Sustainability and Innovation Division of Gaiurb (also representing the City Council of Gaia), Ana Luísa Pereira, Innovation Manager at DST SOLAR, and Raul Bordalo Junqueiro, Head of Smart Cities and Business Development at Innovation Point